Mission Statement

Serving individuals and families in Southeast Boise with their spiritual and temporal needs, through the example of Jesus, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to further the Kingdom of God.



Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Friday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM


1500 E. Wright Street Boise, Idaho 83706

208-343-9041 208-343-2644 (fax)

olrboise@olrboise.org (Email)

Administrative Assistant:

Misty Neeman - mneeman@olrboise.org



Weekend Masses:

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM & 5:30 PM

Weekday Masses:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM

Friday - Communion Service 8:00 AM


Saturdays 3:30 PM or by appointment.


Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary will be at 6pm on Monday, October 7. Please join us for Mass and dinner afterwards in the Parish Hall. Please note, there will not be a 8am Mass.

Chris Stefanick is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has    received the Papal Benemerenti Medal, which the Pope previously gave for Military valor but today is given for achievement in       ministry. REBOOT! is a mix of his bestselling books Living Joy and The Search. This two-hour presentation will center around a practical exploration and understanding of the Catholic faith and how it’s meant to impact our lives, including prayer and spirituality, work and dating, marriage, parenting, health, and more.



Have you, or someone you know, ever considered becoming a Catholic? Or are you a baptized Catholic who for some reason was unable to receive First Communion or Confirmation? If so, you are invited to come and learn more about our Catholic Faith through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) classes. For more information click the link below or contact Mike Coyle, (208-484-8677) or mtcoyle1943@gmail.com. Our program will begin in early September.

Please donate to Idaho Catholic Appeal. We would love to have 30% participation this year.





Marcus Grodi welcomes our Deacon Lou Aaron from Our Lady of the Rosary to discuss how his battle with alcoholism helped him rediscover his Catholic roots.

YouTube Channel's "MassTransit," who filmed at OLR several months ago, premiered the episode on November 5th 2023. Please take 20 minutes to watch this great episode on our parish! We sincerely appreciate all of you and please like and subscribe to this channel. Also, if you feel called to donate to this Apostolate, please click the link below and indicate in the description ‘Mass Transit’.